Friday, February 21, 2020
4:30-5:15 Registration. HAL Atrium.
5:30-6:30 Dinner. SU Great Room.
7:00-8:00 Hans Sennholz Memorial Lecture. Sticht Lecture Hall.
“Ludwig von Mises on War and the Economy” Dr. Christopher Coyne, Professor of Economics, Director of Graduate Studies, Economics, George Mason University
Saturday, February 22, 2020
8:00-8:30 Coffee and Pastries. HAL Atrium.
8:30-10:00 Sessions
Economic Policy. Chairman: Jeff Herbener. HAL 114.
“The History and Economics of Health Care Policy in the United States” Francis Kusler (St. Vincent College)
“Adverse Effects of Universal Basic Income as Proposed by Andrew Yang” Kyle Davidson (Grove City College)
“Extinction for the Laotian Elephant: An Austrian Critique of State Conservation” Justin Austin (University of Angers)
10:15-11:45 Sessions
Economic, Legislative, and Historical Laws. Chairman: Jeff Herbener. HAL 114.
“Are Free Market Fiduciary Media Possible?” Kristoffer Hansen (University of Angers)
“Locational Aspects of Rent-Seeking: A Theoretical Examination” Noah Gould (Grove City College)
“On the Presence of Laws of History: A Praxeological Approach to Sociological Generalizations” Wesley Gaines (Grove City College)
Property, Contracts, and Markets. Chairman: Caleb Fuller. HAL 116
“Contracts without Promises: Blockchain-Based ‘Smart Contracts’ and the Title-Transfer Theory of Contract” David Hoffa (Michigan State University)
“Entrepreneurship All the Way Down: A Theory of Property” Tegan Truitt (Grove City College)
12:00-1:30 Lunch. SU Great Room.
“Mises’s Élan Vital” Jeff Deist, President, Mises Institute
2:00-3:30 Sessions
Economic Theory. Chairman: Caleb Fuller. HAL 114.
“A Hayekian Approach to the Lemon Problem: Efficiency, Entrepreneurship, and the Market for Lemons” Ethan Bunn (University of Minnesota)
“Stakeholders and the Profit Maximizing Firm” George Daugharty (Grove City College)
“The Giffen Paradox Revisited” Trieu Nguyen (Hillsdale College)
Limits to States. Chairman: Shawn Ritenour. HAL 116.
“The Fatal Conceit of Foreign Intervention: Evidence from the Afghanistan Papers” Karras Lambert (George Mason University)
“Hampered and Unhampered Monetary Orders and the Christian Life” Lydia Brant (Grove City College)
“Old-Fashioned in the Love of Freedom: Interwar Christianity and the Anti-Statist Imagination” Jackson Reinhardt (Vanderbilt University)
3:45-5:15 Sessions
History of Thought. Chairman: Shawn Ritenour. HAL 116.
“From Say to Menger: The Evolution from French Liberalism to Austrian Tradition” Brendan John (Grove City College)
“Popperian Hayek or Hayekian Popper” João Silva (University of Porto)
“An Outline of Carl Menger’s Capital Theory, 1867-1888” Yannis Petrzak (Grove City College)
5:30-6:30 Dinner. SU Great Room.
6:45-7:00 Awarding of the Thomas E. Woods Prizes for Best Papers. Sticht Lecture Hall.
7:00-8:00 The Ludwig von Mises Memorial Lecture. Sticht Lecture Hall.
“The Road to Omnipotent Government: Surveillance and Internment of Enemy Civilians During World War I,” Dr. T. Hunt Tooley, Professor of History, Chairman of the History Department, Austin College