Friday, February 22, 2019
4:30pm-5:30 Hans Sennholz Memorial Lecture. STEM Lecture Hall.
“Mises’s Nation, State, and Economy: Implications for the War on Terror” Dr. Anne Rathbone Bradley, Vice President for Economic Initiatives at the Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics
5:30-6:30 Dinner. GCC Student Union Great Room.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
8:30am-9:00 Coffee and Pastries. HAL Atrium
9:00-10:30 Sessions
War and Peace. Chairman: Jeff Herbener. HAL 114.
“An Examination of the Effects of Trade on Peace and War” Joshua Sikora (Grove City College)
“The Economics of Cybersecurity and Cyberwarfare: A Case Study” Lorenzo Carrazana (Grove City College)
“The Economics of Private Defense” Harrison Dean (Grove City College)
10:45-12:15 Sessions
Micro and Macro Case Studies. Chairman: Jeff Herbener. HAL 114.
“Singapore: An Economic Puzzle” Jesse Newton (Grove City College)
“Hollywood’s Lost Glory: A Look at Antitrust, Patent, and Copyright Law in the American Film Industry” Tyler Landman (Grove City College)
“An Economic Analysis of Tipping: An Austrian Framework” Benj Eicher (Grove City College)
“The West and the Rest: Exploring Barriers to Growth in Developing Countries” Rio Arias (Grove City College)
Economics of Healthcare. Chairman: Caleb Fuller. HAL 116.
“Advanced Care Planning and Advanced Directives Effects on Autonomy and Spending” Josephine Shelton (Ferris State University)
“A New Perspective on the MCPI: A Modified and Complementary Measure” Richard Sinclair (Ferris State University)
“Finding a Place for Unmatched Residents” Jared Prevost (Ferris State University)
12:30-1:30 Lunch. SU Great Room.
2:00-3:30 Sessions
Private Solutions to Public Problems. Chairman: Caleb Fuller. HAL 114.
“The Town Watch: A Solution to the Problems of Local Police and the State” Daniel Bring (Dartmouth College)
“Pharmacy Benefit Managers: A Market Solution” Jonathan Prins (Ferris State University)
“Removing Compulsory Education: An Alternative Approach to Solve the School Choice Debate” Joshua Barham (Grove City College)
Economics of Behavior. Chairman: Shawn Ritenour. HAL 116.
“Gun Control: How It Leads to Murder, A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Gun Control and Its Effects” Thor Chandler (Grove City College)
“Risk Compensation Theory: An Explanation and the Beginning of a Predictive Model” Joseph Bowen (Ferris State University)
“Elephant Extinction in Laos and Government Bans on Ivory” Justin Austin (Ferris State University)
3:45-5:15 Sessions
Money and Interest. Chairman: Jeff Herbener. HAL 114.
“The Return of Private Money: Cryptocurrencies in the Hayekian Private Money Framework” William Smith (Grove City College)
“Negative Interest Rate Policy: Austrian Challenges and Critiques” Ethan Fry (Grove City College)
“Alternative Explanations for an Interest Rate Spread in Equilibrium” Jackson Mejia (University of Minnesota)
Issues in Political Economy. Chairman: Shawn Ritenour. HAL 116.
“An Austrian Critique of Inequality as an Inherent Moral and Economic Problem” George Balabanian (University of Ottawa)
“Liberalism, Stability, and Profit: The Political Economy of Autocratic Legislation” Tegan Truitt (Grove City College)
“Market Failures in the Airport Sector and the Counter Position of the Neoclassical Vision with an Austrian School and a School of Public Choice” João Fernando Rossi Mazzoni (University of São Paulo)
5:30-6:30 Dinner. SU Great Room.
6:45-7:00 Awarding of the Thomas E. Woods Prizes for Best Papers. Sticht Lecture Hall.
7:00-8:00 The Ludwig von Mises Memorial Lecture. Sticht Lecture Hall.
“What Entrepreneurship Means for Economics,” Dr. Per Bylund, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, Records-Johnston Professor of Free Enterprise, at Oklahoma State University