2017 Schedule

Friday, February 24, 2017
5:00-5:30 Registration. HAL Atrium.
5:30-6:30 Dinner. SU Great Room.
7:00-8:00 Hans Sennholz Memorial Lecture. Sticht Lecture Hall.

“Hans F. Sennholz and the Recent Financial Crisis: Who Is to Blame and What Needs to Be Done,” Dr. David J. Rapp, Researcher at the Institute of Auditing, University of Saarland (Watch)

Saturday, February 25, 2017
8:30-9:00 Coffee and Pastries. HAL Atrium.
9:00-10:30 Sessions

Topics in Macroeconomics. Chairman: Jeff Herbener. HAL 114.

Say’s Law: Criticisms, Responses, and a Restatement,” Colin Combs (Grove City College)

“The Natural Resource Curse Myth: A Misunderstanding of the Benefits of the Division of Labor,” Matthew Leverknight (Grove City College)

“Measuring Bitcoins Effectiveness in Unstable Monetary Regimes,” Jon Matt (George Mason University)

Political Economy. Chairman: Shawn Ritenour. HAL 116.

“Feeling the Bern: Democratic Socialism in America,” Douglas Elmore (Grove City College)

Veblen’s Conspicuous Consumption at Grove City College,” Ethan Clark (Grove City College)

Did Constitutions Matter during the American Civil War,” Sukrit Sabhlok (Monash University, Australia)

10:45-12:15 Sessions

Epistemological Questions. Chairman: Jeff Herbener. HAL 114.

Austrian Epistemology: A Critique,” Josiah Vehrs (Grove City College)

“Insight into the Relationship between Economics and Mathematics,” Natalie Jordan (Grove City College)

“All Observable Action Communicates: Austrian Insights for Social Exchange Theory,” Kelly Conley (University of Arkansas)

Ethics and Externalities. Chairman: Shawn Ritenour. HAL 116.

An Investigation into the Normativity of Neoclassical Microeconomics and a Critical Comparison with Austrian Economics,” Samuel Erk (Grove City College)

“The Perception Problem: Migration and the Commons,” Alexis Catherine Garretson (George Mason University)

An Austrian Critique of Externalities,” Tim Matakovich (City College of Manhattan)

12:30-1:30 Lunch. SU Great Room.
2:00-3:30 Sessions

Economics of Subsidies. Chairman: Jeff Herbener. HAL 114.

The Effects of Subsidies on Higher Education,” Amanda Clagett (Grove City College)

A Study of the Relationship between Physician Kickbacks and Malpractice Rates,” Adam Widrig (Ferris State University)

Mandatory Maternity Coverage in the Affordable Care Act,” Paula Downs (Ferris State University)

Economics of Authoritarian Regimes. Chairman: Shawn Ritenour. HAL 116.

The Dark Economy: Examining the Practices and Policies of the Islamic State,” Andrew Williams (Grove City College)

The Cuban Healthcare Paradox: A Case of Ignored Costs and Implications,” Justin Austin (Ferris State University)

Marcos’ Fatal Conceit,” Joseph Bautista (Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines)

3:45-5:15 Sessions

Topics in Microeconomics. Chairman: Jeff Herbener. HAL 114.

“FDA Regulation of the U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry,” Emily El Sanadi (Grove City College)

“An Austrian Perspective of Microfinance,” Alexia Skoriak (Grove City College)

The Federal Minimum Wage as an Unseen Tariff,” Kurt Faulhammer (State University of New York, Purchase)

Failure of Public Goods. Chairman: Shawn Ritenour. HAL 116.

The Failure of the Euro,” Kristen Welch (Grove City College)

Policing and Economic Calculation,” Tate Fegley (George Mason University”)

The History of Failures of Health Budgeting,” Lisa Raney (Ferris State University)

5:30-6:30 Dinner. SU Great Room.
6:45-7:00 Awarding of the Richard E. Fox Prizes for Best Papers. Sticht Lecture Hall.
7:00-8:00 Ludwig von Mises Memorial Lecture. Sticht Lecture Hall.

“From Wittenberg to Vienna: Intersections between the Reformation and Austrian Economics,” Dr. Timothy D. Terrell, Professor of Economics, Wofford College (Watch)

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